Monday, April 11, 2011

weird ... :

??aspects of... ??geometric interpretation of geometric weak colimits of toric stacks ?? ... os ... asf os... ????... ???something about for example trying to g;ue together two lines intersecting at a point, but instead of such singularity (os...) seems to give something sort-of like "direct sum" ... ???asf ?? ???....

???sa ... ???weak colimits of filteredly cocomplete categories??? ... and so forth ... ??...

counterexample ... :

???so... in toric/non-toric case ... ???sa ... trying to contrive example of pre-stack (os...) whose quasicoherent sheaves (defined via "globalization" os... asf os...) aren't a topos/abelian category ... os... by ... sa... ???trying to get non-flat homs involved, os??? .... asf os... ????...

???wa sa ... ????whether flat comm-ring homs are closed under composition ?? ... os... asf os...

prometheus ... :

modern frankenstein ... ???something about filtered-colimit preserving modules of a ringoid, os, asf os????... ???but what about sa where tensor product is coming from ???? .... asf .... ????....

singularity ... :

??so w_a_ singularities of toric varieties??? .... asf .... ???....

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